People frequently think you have to pay for any form of digital marketing services. But, that's not always true. There are several free concepts you can utilize for your business. We share several of them here. While this post focuses on the free tactics, we review digital marketing for small business in much greater detail.
A service related to SEO and SEM writing, the domain authority (DA) of a business is what Google looks at to determine how healthy your website's information is. A higher domain authority means that you have some inbound links from trustworthy sites, and the information on your site is reliable as well. Ahrefs has a good means of checking your site's domain authority, as well as information about how to boost it yourself.
DA is key when setting your keyword strategy. A DA of under 30 should only be targeting with monthly searches less than 100 and target keyword phrases of 5 words. At a DA of 50, it's search volume of under a 1,000, and phrase length of 4. Most small businesses fall within this range. If you don't know your DA, you can waste a lot of time and money trying to rank for keywords out of your reach.
Google Business offers some free services and programs that you can use for your small business digital marketing. Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google My Business are the three most common and are free to use for small business owners. Dave Chaffey at Digital Insights wrote about free marketing services as well, including information about the Google programs you might want to use.
Creating effective SEO content can be extremely difficult for the untrained. However, some free and relatively simple ways to boost your SEO has on your digital marketing effectiveness. These include free SEO analysis of your articles, SEO techniques, SEO courses. However, there is a wide range of quality. One expert in the field, Neil Patel, has posted information related to SEO content creation on his blog to help you get started.
If you're trying to build awareness about your services or small business, there are several free ways to help your digital marketing needs:
For more tips on local cost strategies, we wrote a related article on marketing strategies for entrepreneurs. There are other proven digital marketing techniques, which are not always free, they are effective. While not directly tied to digital marketing, you may want to explore guerilla marketing as another lower cost option.
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Brian Cairns, CEO of Prostrategix Consulting. Over 25 years of business experience as a corporate executive, entrepreneur, and small business owner. For more information, please visit my LinkenIn profile
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