If you’re trying to have your small business succeed in the long-term, a you need a long-term digital marketing plan. A digital marketing company for small business can aid in building the strategy, developing the plan, and helping you execute it. While short-term marketing campaigns are a great idea for some companies, long-term campaigns can be a great means of success for small businesses. Check out our tips on long-term small business marketing!
The hardest factor to consider with small business digital marketing is setting up a campaign and making your company stick with it in the long-term. A digital marketing firm for small business can help. A CMS Wire article from Dom Nicastro explains long-term v. short-term marketing
As I mentioned in an earlier post, understanding your target is the key to success. By understanding your target's needs, you can develop a yearly or semi-annually based content calendar that includes topics relevant to your audience. Plus, you can build in long-tailed SEO keywords and terms into that content that will yield dividends, later.
Social media marketing is awesome for getting a message out quickly. But, search ranking is what will drive traffic in the long-run. Therefore, by developing a content-relevant, SEO rich, long-term calendar, you achieve both.
Content marketing is a time-consuming task, so sticking to it can be very challenging for a small business. Therefore, having a digital marketing company manage this for your small business can help you stay focused.
A small business with a strong, long-term digital strategy is much more likely to succeed. An article on Forbes from Sam Yadegar about digital marketing explains why.
I know it’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day tasks when you’re running a digital marketing program or even an entire company. But taking the time to revisit your long-term goals prevents you from getting bogged down in daily to-dos — and it keeps you focused and rooted in your mission. - Sam Yadegar
This is why a digital marketing company for small business might be something to consider. It takes another daily to-do off your plate so you can stay focus on building your business. Digital marketing requires investment to succeed, either in time or in dollars. I know that’s tough, especially in today’s climate. However, given how the market is evolving, it's quickly becoming a necessary investment for long-term success. Importantly, if you consider digital marketing just for your small business today, you forgo building a platform from which to grow in the future.
Here are two points to consider whether you execute your digital marketing in-house or hire a digital marketing company for your small business.
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Brian Cairns, CEO of Prostrategix Consulting. Over 25 years of business experience as a corporate executive, entrepreneur, and small business owner. For more information, please visit my LinkenIn profile
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